2008年5月7日 星期三

VS 2008 Hotfix,解決「屬性視窗」卡住的問題

VS 2008 Hotfix,解決「屬性視窗」卡住的問題

使用VS 2008常常發現運作得很不順利,尤其是點選控制項之後,好像卡住了。
上網找了一下,發現已經有前輩提供解答了。目前這個 hotfix已經推出中文版。

資料來源:黑暗執行緒 http://blog.darkthread.net/blogs/darkthreadtw/archive/2008/02/11/vs-2008-hot-fix-roll-up.aspx

VS 2008 Hotfix,解決「屬性視窗」卡住的問題

後來我用 WinRAR(共享軟體)手動解壓縮才成功。

2008年5月6日 星期二



Visual Basic 編碼慣例 http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/library/h63fsef3(VS.80).aspx
Visual Basic 命名慣例 http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/library/0b283bse(VS.80).aspx



Solution 1: Use an open-source .NET PDF library. Sample list:
ASP.NET FO PDF at SourceForge.net - generates XSL-FO from DataTable to render PDF
iTextSharp at SourceForge.net
Examples and Tutorial: http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/
Also see this article: Create PDF on the fly with .NET and iTextSharp by Valerio Fornito, DoPostBack.com
PDFCreator at GotDotNet - design PDF document visually using Visual Studio IDE
Report.NET at SourceForge.net

Solution 2: Use a commercial .NET PDF library. Sample list:
ABCpdf .NET by WebSupergoo - free license also available
Apoc XSL-FO by Chive Software - generates PDF using XSL-FO
Aspose.Pdf by Aspose
DynamicPDF by ceTe Software
PDF4NET by O2 Solutions
PDFLib by PDFLib GmbH
TallPDF.NET by TallComponents - able to create PDF documents either programmatically using an object model or from XML.
Tutorial: Create and manipulate PDF documents - 100% .NET by Frank Rem (CodeProject.com)
XMLPDF by Visual Programming - converts XML to PDF

Solution 3: Use activePDF WebGrabber to convert any URL output to PDF on-the-fly.

Solution 4: Use a report generator like Crystal Reports or SQL Server Reporting Services to render to PDF.
How to Create PDF from ASP.NET pages by Edward Tanquay (DeveloperFusion.com) - using Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports: Add Professional Quality Reports to Your Application with Visual Studio .NET by Andrew Brust (MSDN Magazine)
Related Resources
XSL FO Tutorial at RenderX
Definitive XSL-FO by G. Ken Holman
XSL-FO: Making XML Look Good in Print by Dave Pawson

後置程式碼(CodeBehind) 想要寫一個 蹦現視窗Pop-up , 出現警告訊息

ASP.NET 後置程式碼(CodeBehind) 想要寫一個 蹦現視窗Pop-up , 出現警告訊息該怎麼做呢?
請看程式範例,Try....Cacth....End Try 最底下的那一段