[轉貼] 非同步(Async)讀取、寫入BLOB檔案
可以搭配檔案上傳(FileUpload),用 .NET 4.5起的「非同步(Async)」方法,做檔案讀取與寫入
這個範例可以搭配書本上集(ASP.NET專題實務(I) / 松崗出版)
第十八章 FileUpload檔案上傳
用 .NET 4.5起的「非同步 (Async)」的方法來讀取、寫入,增加效率。
欄位bindata,資料型態為VarBinary(MAX)。以前的SQL Server可用Image來代替。
欄位bindata,資料型態為VarBinary(MAX)。以前的SQL Server可用Image來代替。
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
// Application retrieving a large BLOB from SQL Server in .NET 4.5 using the new asynchronous capability
private static async Task CopyBinaryValueToFile()
string filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "二進位檔案的檔名");
// 檔案位置(路徑與檔名),我的文件底下的二進位檔案
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("DB連結字串")) {
await conn.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCmd("SELECT [bindata] FROM [資料表] WHERE [id]=123", conn))
{ // The reader needs to be executed with the SequentialAccess behavior to enable network streaming
// Otherwise ReadAsync will buffer the entire BLOB into memory which can cause scalability issues or even OutOfMemoryExceptions
using (SqlDataReader dr = awaitcmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)) {
if (await dr.ReadAsync())
if (!(await dr.IsDBNullAsync(0)))
{ // 欄位不為空,就產生檔案
using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
using (Stream data = dr.GetStream(0))
{ // Asynchronously copy the stream from the server to the file we just created
await data.CopyToAsync(file);
await conn.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCmd("SELECT [bindata] FROM [資料表] WHERE [id]=123", conn))
{ // The reader needs to be executed with the SequentialAccess behavior to enable network streaming
// Otherwise ReadAsync will buffer the entire BLOB into memory which can cause scalability issues or even OutOfMemoryExceptions
using (SqlDataReader dr = awaitcmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)) {
if (await dr.ReadAsync())
if (!(await dr.IsDBNullAsync(0)))
{ // 欄位不為空,就產生檔案
using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
using (Stream data = dr.GetStream(0))
{ // Asynchronously copy the stream from the server to the file we just created
await data.CopyToAsync(file);
// Application transferring a large BLOB to SQL Server in .Net 4.5
private static async Task StreamBLOBToServer()
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("DB連結字串")) {
await conn.OpenAsync();
private static async Task StreamBLOBToServer()
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("DB連結字串")) {
await conn.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [BinaryStreams] (bindata) VALUES (@bindata)", conn)) {
using (FileStream file = File.Open("二進位檔案的檔名", FileMode.Open)) {
using (FileStream file = File.Open("二進位檔案的檔名", FileMode.Open)) {
// Add a parameter which uses the FileStream we just opened
// Size is set to -1 to indicate "MAX"
cmd.Parameters.Add("@bindata", SqlDbType.Binary, -1).Value = file;
// Size is set to -1 to indicate "MAX"
cmd.Parameters.Add("@bindata", SqlDbType.Binary, -1).Value = file;
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
如果需要VB語法,可以透過這個網站轉換語法 ( C# 轉成 VB )
[.ashx檔?泛型處理常式?]基礎入門#5....ADO.NET 與 將DB裡面的二進位圖片還原 (範例下載 & 大型控制項的ImageField)
[.ashx檔?泛型處理常式?]基礎入門#5-1....ADO.NET 與 將DB裡面的二進位圖片還原 (FileUpload的 FileContent屬性 & FileBytes屬性)
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